
Version: 10.2

Sitecore XC supports the creation and management of pricing scenarios through price books, which contain price cards. Price cards contain pricing information for sellable items and price snapshots that define the schedules for pricing changes.

A list price is the base price of a sellable item. A list price can represent the MSRP (Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price) of a sellable item, or a price set by the retailer. List prices for sellable items are defined using the Merchandising dashboard. A sellable item can have different list prices for different currencies. For example, BigSoundz Manufacturing may recommend a list price that’s equivalent to $99.99 across every currency for the 80GB MP3 player that they manufacture. However, the list prices that you set for different currencies do not have to be equivalent. You can set the list price at $129.00 for USD, and $119.00 for CAD.

The following diagram is a high-level view of the relationship between price books, price cards, and sellable items:

Price cards are used to apply pricing information, such as multicurrency prices or tiered price levels, to individual or multiple sellable items. For example, if you want to have a common price across all of the sellable items that are 80GB MP3 players and offer tiered pricing for them, and you would associate each individual sellable item of that type with a specific price card.

A sell price represents the price the retailer wants to sell a sellable item at, and is often less than the list price. A sell price is the final calculated price based on data in the pricing system. This is the price a customer would see on the details page of a sellable item. The sell price may be regulated by policies and environmental aspects that are related to the location of the retailer.

Is/Was pricing is derived from the sell price and the list price. For example, in order to show a discount, the current sell price would be displayed to the customer, with the original list price displayed with a strike through.

The elements of pricing are:

  • Price books: A price book is a container for a set of pricing information. You can use a price book to hold all the pricing information for a specific storefront or country, or hold all of the pricing information for a specific group of sellable items, so you can change the group pricing at once.

  • Price cards: A price card is a container for specific, multicurrency pricing for a sellable item or group of sellable items. You can define tiered pricing levels for different quantities of sellable items, for example, $5 for a single sellable item, but reducing the price to $4 if the customer buys five or more of the same sellable item.

  • Snapshots: A snapshot is a time range that defines when pricing changes occur. For example, you could create a snapshot to change the price of a sellable item at the beginning of the next month, and the price change would appear automatically on the storefront at that time. Because snapshots are contained in a price card, the snapshot can apply price changes to multiple sellable items.

  • Tags: A tag is a way to group sellable items together. For example, you could tag all new releases of comedy DVDs with a “New” tag, and create a price card for the “New” tag that contains a price of $9.99. When you want to change the price for those DVDs, you would remove the tag from the sellable items, and the price would revert to the previously defined list price.

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