Entity versions and publishing

Version: 10.3

Sitecore XC supports versioning of Commerce items, so that you can track changes to content through each version of the entity. By default, versioning is enabled for catalogs, categories, and sellable items. You cannot change a Commerce entity after it has been published. To make changes, you must create a new version of the entity.

With the entity versioning feature, you can make offline edits to Commerce items, and only publish them to your storefront site when you are satisfied with the changes. You also have a history of all the changes made to the Commerce item, so you can see which entity version a particular change was made in. When you have finished making changes to a new entity version, you can place the entity in a publishing workflow, which by default has the following states:

Publishing workflow

When you place an entity version in a publishing workflow, it is automatically placed in a Draft state. After you submit it for approval, it is placed in the Awaiting Approval state, where the changes can be accepted or rejected. When the entity version is approved, the updated Commerce entity is published to the Content Delivery server.

You can modify the default publishing workflow definition or create your own custom workflows using the Workflow plugin.


Relationships are not versioned. All entity versions have the same defined relationships. This means if you make a change to the relationships associated with one entity version, the change is automatically applied to all versions and your changes to relationships are automatically reflected on the live site if any of the versions are already published The only exceptions are BundleToSellableItem and BundleToSellableItemVariant, which are versioned and can be different with each version.

The Details page of a Commerce item that has versioning enabled contains an Entity Versions section that displays all of the existing versions for the Commerce item. The value of the Published field shows which versions have been published to the Storefront, and which versions have not.


You must be assigned to the Merchandiser role to access this functionality.

Entity Versions section

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