Introducing the Sitecore Experience Accelerator Storefront template
The Sitecore Experience Accelerator (SXA) Storefront template is an out-of-the-box storefront solution for building B2C e-commerce solutions. It has its own separate installation packages that contain a webshop template built with Commerce renderings for SXA, the Habitat catalog, and sample themes. The SXA Storefront enables you to quickly deploy storefronts on premise or in the Cloud.
There are several reasons to use the SXA Storefront, including:
It is a full B2C retail storefront template based on Sitecore best practices, built on state-of-the-art technologies.
The storefront can be adopted, skinned using SXA themes, and customized for production, or used as a best practice reference implementation.
It takes advantage of engagement functionality in the Sitecore Experience Platform to track, act and follow up on visitor behavior to help create personal customer experiences and win customers for life.
One connected experience
The SXA Storefront takes full advantage of the Sitecore Commerce Connect framework by:
Collecting intelligence on customer behavior, registering outcomes, goals, and page events.
Providing rules for personalizing the individual customer experience based on intelligence collected about customer behavior.
Advantages over competitor offerings
The SXA Storefront offers advantages over competitors, including:
The integration between the storefront and Sitecore Commerce uses Sitecore Commerce Connect, which is a standardized framework, and commerce API where engagement comes out-of-the-box.
The storefront is based on state-of-the-art technologies including the latest Sitecore offerings in the form of Sitecore Experience Platform and Sitecore Commerce.
3rd party Integration
To allow online payment during checkout, the Storefront includes integration with BrainTree. Contact BrainTree to negotiate an agreement and obtain the necessary merchant ID.