The Personalized experience dialog box

Version: 9.1

The Personalized experience dialog box shows statistics for personalization rules that are implemented on the current page as well as statistics for personalization rules that are being tested on the page.

To open the dialog, in the Experience Editor, on the Optimization tab, click Personalization. Sitecore only enables the Personalization button when there are personalization rules on the page.

The Personalized experience dialog box shows the following:


The following numbered descriptions correlate to the callouts in the previous screenshot.

  1. Summary of rules on the page – a summary of the number of rules and components on the page (for example, 6 personalization rules in 2 components on this page).

  2. Relative effect of each rule on a component – a list of all rules, grouped by component (for example, the Promo with image and SmallStickyNote components).

    The graphs show the relative effect, or effect index, of each rule. (See item 6 for an explanation of Effect):

    • The default condition is assigned index 0%.

    • The condition with the largest absolute trailing value/visit is assigned either index minus 100% or index 100%, depending on whether the condition's trailing value is greater or less than the trailing value of the default condition.

    • Other conditions are shown relative to these values.

    • If a condition has a greater trailing value/visit than the default condition, the bar is green.

    • If the condition has a lower trailing value/visit than the default condition, the bar is red.

  3. Page preview – a preview of the page as it looks when the currently selected rule is in effect. The relevant component is highlighted. The other components use their default rules.

  4. Name and description – the name and description of the currently selected rule.

  5. Trailing value/visit – the trailing value/visit of the currently selected rule, which is calculated as the total trailing engagement value, counting only page views occurring after the visitors encountered the page being tested, divided by the number of site visits.

    The dialog shows the value for the personalized and not personalized variations of the component. The Personalized field contains the trailing value/visit for visitors who were exposed to the personalized version of the component. The Not Personalized field contains the trailing value/visit for visitors who fulfilled the condition for the rule, but were exposed to default content.

    For the Default condition, there is no personalized trailing value/visit and therefore no effect. The corresponding fields contain no value and display - -:

  6. Effect – the effect of the personalized variation, which is calculated as the difference in percent between the trailing value/visit of the personalized experience and the default experience. The formula is as follows:

    Effect = ((Personalized - Not Personalized) / Not Personalized) x 100

  7. Reach – the reach of the currently selected rule, which is expressed as the number of visitors that meet the condition and the percentage of all visitors that this number represents.


    The reach includes visitors who meet the condition but are exposed to the default experience.

    The formula is as follows:

    Reach = (Visitors that match the condition/All visitors) x 100


If a personalization rule is not in an active test but has been tested previously:

  • During the first 30 days after the test, all Key Performance Indicators (KPIs: Trailing value/visit, Effect and Reach) are based on the data from the test.

  • More than 30 days after the test, the KPIs are based on data from the last year.

If the rule has never been tested, KPIs are based on data from the last year.

If a personalization rule is not included in an active test, you can edit the rule directly from the dialog box by selecting the rule and clicking Edit personalization. This button is disabled if the rule is in an active test.

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