Project structure

When you store your documents in Sitecore, the Project panel shows you this structure as a view of document components, images, and text.

A project is the representation of the structure of an InDesign document. The project structure of each InDesign project contains several elements and folders.

It is important to remember that:

  • A project consists of an InDesign book (corresponding to the InDesign book (.indb)).

  • A book can have one or more document items (corresponding to the InDesign documents (.indd)).

  • A document can have one or more page items (corresponding to the InDesign pages).

  • A page can have one or more snippets that contain page items, for example, text frames, images, rectangles, and so on, which correspond to InDesign objects.

To open the Project panel, click Window, Sitecore, Project.


When you save your document and pages, your settings are saved in Sitecore. Therefore, there is no need to save the document as a physical file.

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