Add taxonomy to a page
Tagging your pages is a great way to categorize them and makes it easy for visitors to search and find items that include the same tags.
The Tag List and Tag Cloud components do not support search signatures.
Add a tag list
The Tag List component lets you add links to tags on your SXA pages. Tags are stored in the site Data
folder: /sitecore/content/<Tenant>/<Site>/Data/Tags
To add a tag list:
Open the Toolbox. In the Taxonomy group, click Tag List and drag it to the page. If your page has tags associated already, these tags display.
To add tags, in the Tag List toolbar, click Edit tags and move the tags that you want to display to the Selected field.
Add a tag cloud
A tag cloud is a stylized way of visually representing tags. Visitors can click the tag to see the list of pages that are marked with that tag.
To add a tag cloud:
Open the Toolbox. In the Taxonomy group, click Tag cloud and drag it to the page.
On the Tag Cloud toolbar, click Edit Component Properties and specify the details for the tag cloud:
Select the root page to take the tags from. Click Browse to select a node from the tree or use a query.
ImportantThe root page must have child items with tags assigned. The tag cloud component uses these child items to build the tag cloud.
The default SXA tagging field is SxaTags.
Search Result Page
To present tag results, you must have a search results page that includes the Search Results rendering. Select the page where you want the search results to be presented.
Select the variant. By default, you can select:
text - displays the tag cloud as plain text.
link - displays the tag cloud as links to the search results page configured in the Search Results Page field.
Default language filtering
If you have several language versions of tags, you can select if you want them to be displayed:
All languages - display all language versions of the tag.
Current language - display only the language version of the tag that matches the current page language.
If you now click Preview, the tag cloud displays with tags in different font sizes depending on occurrences. The tag cloud uses relative sizes to make the tags you use most often bigger, and the tags used on fewer items smaller.
When visitors click a tag in the tag cloud, they are redirected to a page and see the results of the pages tagged with this specific tag.