Developing the UI walkthrough series

Sitecore Discover JS SDK supports integrating your React application in many scenarios. Before starting on an implementation, you need to create widget components.

You can make an inventory of the widgets components you need to create or instantiate. In the Customer Engagement Console (CEC), the Merchandising widgets section lists all widgets that have been configured for your implementation. There might be some widgets that are not used in your application.

Screenshot of the merchandising widgets page in the CEC.
  1. Log in to the CEC using your Discover credentials.

  2. On the menu bar, click Merchandising widgets .


For correct and successful rendering of widget components:

  • Widget components must have the same rfk_id and type as configured in the CEC.

  • Widgets must be published and have Active status.

This walkthrough series describes the most common and fastest way to integrate an application using JS SDK and UI components.

To develop user interfaces for Sitecore Discover using the JS SDK, follow these walkthroughs:

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