Customer policies

Version: 10.0

The Customer plugin contributes configuration policies that define behavior for the functionality provided by the plugin.


Do not extend or inherit from out-of-the-box policies; instead, create your own.

You can change the values of default policies by modifying the PolicySet JSON or the Environment JSON, depending on where the policy is defined, and then re-running Bootstrap.

The following policies can be configured through the Customers plug-in.



Properties / Default Values


Defines the properties associated with a customer (e.g., name, address, language, account status, etc).

PreviewProperties \ List<string>()

DetailsProperties \ List<string>()

AddressDetailsProperties \ List<string>() AccountNumber \ "AccountNumber"

Email \ "Email"

Password \ "Password"

AccountStatus \ "AccountStatus"

AddressName \ "AddressName"

FirstName \ "FirstName"

LastName \ "LastName"

Language \ "Language"

Country \ "Country"

CountryCode \ "CountryCode"

State \ "State"

StateCode \ "StateCode"

City \ "City"

Address1 \ "Address1"

Address2 \ "Address2"

ZipPostalCode \ "ZipPostalCode"

IsPrimary \ "IsPrimary"

PhoneNumber \ "PhoneNumber"

Organization \ "Organization"


Defines the cache policy for the customer status defined in the Control Panel.

Expiration \ 300000 AllowCaching \ true

CacheName \ "CustomerStatuses"


Defines the customer removal policy (i.e., whether deleted customers are removed from the system). If the ForgetCustomer property is set to “true”, the Customer entity is removed from the system (when the Delete Customer action is initiated). If the ForgetCustgomer property is set to “false”, the Customer entity remains in the system, but its status is set to “inactive”.

ForgetCustomer \ false


Provides the ability to change the default customer action names (e.g., add a customer, edit a customer).

AddCustomer \ "AddCustomer"

EditCustomer \ "EditCustomer"

RemoveCustomer \ "RemoveCustomer"

AddAddress \ "AddAddress"

EditAddress \ "EditAddress"

RemoveAddress \ "RemoveAddress"

SelectAddressCountry \ "SelectAddressCountry"

GetCountryRegionsForCustomers \ "GetCountryRegionsForCustomers"


Provides the ability to change the default customer status names (e.g., active, inactive).

ActiveAccount \ "ActiveAccount"

InactiveAccount \ "InactiveAccount"

RequiresApproval \ "RequiresApproval"


Provides the ability to change the default customer view names (e.g., customers, address list, etc).

Master \ "Master"

Details \ "Details"

Addresses \ "Addresses"

AddressDetails \ "AddressDetails"

CustomerOrders \ "CustomerOrders"

Preview \ "Preview"

Customers \ "Customers"

CustomersDashboard \ "CustomersDashboard"

Summary \ "Summary"


Defines the policy for caching customer languages.

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