Modify a label for a rendering that uses a Scriban template

Version: 10.1

Several renderings available with SXA Storefront use a Scriban template for generating the markup. You modify the labels for these renderings in the Content Editor.


To customize the image used with renderings such as the Minicart rendering, you must have uploaded the image you want to use to the Media Library.

To modify a label:

  1. In the Content Editor, go to /sitecore/Content/<tenant>/<site>/Data/Commerce.

    Location of labels for Commerce renderings in the Content Editor.
  2. In the tree view, expand the folder (for example Cart or Catalog), click the rendering that you want to change the label for. On the Content tab, in the <rendering> or Other section, modify the label as required. The following example shows the label for the Product Price rendering.

    Product Price label example.
  3. On the ribbon menu, click Save.

  4. Press F9 and publish your changes.

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