Add renderings to an existing storefront site

Current version: 10.2

Existing sites are not affected by an upgrade of Sitecore XC, As a result, if you want to use new renderings (such as the Free Gift Selection rendering) or take advantage of newly configured renderings (such as the Product Bundle or Product Price renderings), you need to add these renderings to your storefront site.

To add renderings to an existing storefront site:

  1. On the Sitecore Launchpad, click Content Editor.

  2. In the Content Editor, go to /sitecore/Content/<existing tenant>/<existing site>/Presentation/Available Renderings/Commerce.

  3. On the Content tab, in the Data section, click Edit.

  4. In the Select Items dialog box, in the left pane, go to Layout/Renderings/Features/Commerce Experience Accelerator.

  5. Expand any of the following folders to select a new or newly configured rendering and then double-click it to move it to the Selected list.


    New Template


    Commerce Cart

    Free Gift Selection

    Includes a rendering variant in the form of a Scriban template. The rendering is used to display a list of products that the customer can select free gifts from.


    Includes a rendering variant in the form of a Scriban template. The rendering is used to display a summary of the contents of the shopping cart

    Shopping Cart Lines

    Includes a rendering variant in the form of a Scriban template. The rendering is used to display the content of the shopping cart with a line for each product item.

    Commerce Catalog

    Product Bundle

    Includes a rendering variant in the form of a Scriban template. It is used for both static and dynamic bundles.

    Product Price

    Includes a rendering variant in the form of a Scriban template. It is used to display the product price.

    Commerce Orders

    Order Lines

    Includes a rendering variant in the form of a Scriban template. It is used to display one line per product in an order, with the following details on each line: a product image, title, unit price, discount type, quantity, total price and, if applicable, a free gift label.

  6. Click OK, and then click Save.

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