Configure your storefront
After you create a site with the Storefront site template, you can modify it to reflect your company.
If your storefront supports multiple languages, you add a language to the SXA storefront site.
To configure your storefront:
In the Content Editor, navigate to Sitecore/Storefront/Settings/Site Grouping/Storefront item, in the Host Name field, change the host name to reflect your own storefront:
Go to sitecore/Commerce/Commerce Control Panel and, in the Commerce Control Panel, update the settings. You must update the settings installed with Commerce Connect and the settings that are installed with the SXA Storefront.
The Commerce Control Panel is installed when you install Commerce Connect. The Commerce Control Panel enables you to configure commerce engines, your storefronts, and business tools (such as Customer and Order Manager, and Pricing and Promotion Manager) by editing content in Sitecore.
NoteFor information on how to set up the storefront environment, see Configure the storefront environment.
Configure the Commerce renderings:
You can configure all textual content appearing on the storefront per shop, either in the Experience Editor or in the Content Editor.
NoteThe content items that are associated with the renderings used in the SXA Storefront are located in: sitecore/Content/Sitecore/<YourStorefront>/Data/Commerce/<Toolbox category>/<Rendering name> (for example, sitecore/Content/Sitecore/Storefront/Data/Commerce/Account/Registration)
Configure other aspects that are unique to the specific rendering. You can read how to configure the individual renderings in the following topics that describe a group of renderings in the toolbox.
To update the visual design of the storefront, design your own theme.
Configure the content on the storefront pages. For example, insert your own logo image, associate your own images with the Carousel rendering on the
page, and modify text that is not part of the renderings.