Configure a collection database server

Version: 8.2

The collection database is the central repository in the Experience Database for all customer interaction and contact data, and must be capable of storing vast amounts of customer data. Having a dedicated collection MongoDB server for this purpose means that you can expand your storage capacity more easily as your data requirements grow, while at the same time maintaining the performance of your Sitecore solution.

To configure a dedicated collection database server:

  1. Install a blank MongoDB database by following the instructions on the MongoDB website.

    MongoDB installation guide for Windows

  2. Also read the xDB hardware guidelines and software recommendations.


    The collection database runs on MongoDB, so it can run without a Sitecore instance. Therefore, when you create a dedicated collection database, there is no need to install a Sitecore instance on the same server.

  3. Configure MongoDB as a Windows service and ensure that it is running correctly.

    For instructions, navigate to the Configure a Windows Service for MongoDB¶ section on the MongoDB installation page: MongoDB installation guide for Windows.

  4. Configure a MongoDB three-server replica set. A standard MongoDB replica set architecture consists of three MongoDB instances (primary, secondary, and arbiter).


    For production environments, you should not configure a standalone MongoDB instance. Instead, you should configure a replica set consisting of multiple database servers, to ensure automatic failover and data safety.

  5. Once you have configured the collection database on a dedicated server, then you must configure all other servers that have an analytics connection string or need to connect to the MongoDB collection database to point to the server using the correct port number.

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