Commerce terms and localization
Commerce terms represent system messages and interface strings returned from the Commerce Engine and XC Business tools (for example, view properties, view actions, benefit names, and so on). Commerce terms that are keyed and stored in the Sitecore Experience Platform, for localization.
You can define custom system messages or Business tool terms, and the values for different available languages, directly in the Content Editor, at the following locations:
sitecore/Commerce/Commerce Engine Settings/Commerce Terms/Business Tools
sitecore/Commerce/Commerce Engine Settings/Commerce Terms/System Messages
The following table describes the pipelines that pertain to Commerce terms:
Pipeline |
Description |
Returns a commerce term by path or |
Returns multiple commerce terms by path or the parent |
Returns a system message by |
The following policies govern localization:
Policy |
Description |
Defines localization settings:
Defines the cache settings for localized terms: