This table lists the use, (default) values, and description of the attributes of the text frame element.
Attribute |
Use |
Values (default value in bold) |
Description |
Width |
Required |
The width of the frame in the specified units. | |
Height |
Required |
The height of the frame in the specified units. | |
X |
Required |
The horizontal position of the center point of the graphic frame with reference to the left corner point of the page in the specified units. | |
Y |
Required |
The vertical position center point of the graphic frame with reference to the left corner point of the page in the specified units. | |
Stroke |
Implied |
The stroke color in swatch or #rrggbb or cmyk c=0;m=100;y=100;k=0”. Value of None mean no stroke. If a swatch is used and the swatch does not exist in the master document, it will be created using default color values. | |
StrokeThickness |
Implied |
[0,282.222] |
Value range in mm. |
StrokeType |
Implied |
Solid ThickThick ThickThin ThickThinThick ThinThick ThinThickThin ThinThin Triple_Stroke Canned Dashed 3x2 Canned Dashed 4x4 Left Slant Hash Right Slant Hash Straight Hash Canned Dotted Wavy White Diamond Japanese Dots| Dashed |
The stroke type. |
Z-Index |
Required |
Stacking order of the graphic frame, value is a positive number. The value type is a positive integer. | |
Background |
Implied |
Background color in swatch or #rrggbb or cmyk c=0; m=100;y=100;k=0;. Value of None mean no stroke. If a swatch is used and the swatch does not exist in the master document, it will be created using default color values. | |
LayerName |
Required |
The name of the layer where the graphic frame is put on. If the layer does not exist, it is created using defaults. | |
Rotation |
Implied |
The rotation angle around the center, number, in degrees. | |
VerticalAlignment |
Implied |
Top Middle Bottom Justify Invalid NumValues |
The vertical alignment of the content in the text frame. |
Opacity |
Implied |
[0,100] |
The opacity in percentage of the frame. If the value is 0 the content and the stroke fill color of the frame become invisible. |
Transparency |
Implied |
Normal Multiply Screen Overlay Soft Light Hard Light Color Dodge Color Burn Darken Lighten Difference Exclusion Hue Saturation Color Luminosity Non Zero Overprint Num Blending Modes |
The transparency of the graphic frame. Sets the basic blending mode. If no value is set, the standard InDesign value is used. |
Name |
Implied |
Only used internally by the InDesign Connector. | |
CornerRadius |
Implied |
[0,282.222] |
Pipeline separated list of corner radius values in the specified units, in the following order: Top left | top right | bottom left | bottom right |
CornerType |
Implied |
None Rounded Inverse Rounded Inset Bevel Fancy |
Pipeline separated list of corner type values in the following order: Top left | top right | bottom left | bottom right |
margin-left |
Implied |
[0,3048] |
In Text Frame Options, Inset Spacing. Value in mm. |
margin-top |
Implied |
[0,3048] |
In Text Frame Options, Inset Spacing. Value in mm. |
margin-right |
Implied |
[0,3048] |
In Text Frame Options, Inset Spacing. Value in mm. |
margin-bottom |
Implied |
[0,3048] |
In Text Frame Options, Inset Spacing. Value in mm. |
FlowName |
Implied |
Name of the flow used for threaded text frames. | |
FlowOrder |
Implied |
The order number of the text frame in the entire flow. | |
SitecoreID |
Implied |
The SitecoreID attribute is used to identify each page object (TextFrame, ImageFrame, etc) with a corresponding Sitecore item. The SitecoreID attribute contains the ID value of that specific item. Each page object item created with the InDesign Connector is related to a Sitecore item. Note When using a script to create a page object (TextFrame, ImageFrame, etc), you should add the SitecoreID attribute and use a default value (e.g. “null”) so the InDesign Connector can identify this item. | |
SitecoreFieldname |
Implied |
Only used internally. Used for dynamic text frames in IDC, the value comes from text frame field "Item Field". | |
GroupID |
Implied |
Only used internally. Used for grouping page objects | |
RenderingID |
Implied |
Only used internally. ID of Xml Renderer that is used to render the text frame. | |
ItemReferenceID |
Implied |
Only used internally. Used for dynamic text frames in IDC, the value comes from the text frame field "Item Reference". | |
ItemReferenceDisplayName |
Implied |
Only used internally. Used for dynamic text frames in IDC, shows the display name of the referenced content item. | |
HorizontalScale |
Implied |
Value - / +. Value of 0.8 means scale to 80%. Value of 2 means 200%. HorizontalScale and VerticalScale always need to be set both in order to use scaling. | |
VerticalScale |
Implied |
Value - / +. Value of 0.8 means scale to 80%. Value of 2 means 200%. HorizontalScale and VerticalScale always need to be set both in order to use scaling. | |
Skew |
Implied |
Skew angle. Value in number, in degrees. | |
NrOfColumns |
Implied |
[1, 40] |
Value number of columns used for text frames. |
ColumnGutter |
Implied |
[0, 3048] |
Value of gutter between columns in mm. Applied when NrOfColumns > 1. |
ObjectStyle |
Implied |
An InDesign Object Style can be used for formatting (effects). If the name of the Object Style used in the master is used as value of this attribute it will be applied. If the ObjectStyle does not exist, it is NOT created automatically. | |
ParagraphStyle |
Implied |
Default ParagraphStyle for the text frame. If the text frame content text is not print text but simple text or HTML, it is added to paragraph with Style - the ParagraphStyle value. Also used as default ParagraphStyle when transforming Html to Xml print text. | |
ScriptOverflow |
Implied |
The full file(s) path. Script is executed when text overflow is encountered for the text frame. 3 parameters are sent to the script. par1: documentname par2: xml node's logical id par3: InDesign ID of the text frame | |
RunOnce |
Implied |
True False |
If true, the script overflow is only run once. If false, the script is executed until no overflow is encountered. |
RunScript |
Implied |
The full file(s) path. Three parameters are sent to the script. par1: documentname par2: XML iD par3: InDesign GUID | |
FitFrame |
Implied |
True False |
If true, the frame is auto-fitted according to the text in the frame. |
ShowOverflow |
Implied |
True False |
Show overflow indicator. Overflow frame uses "OverFlow" ObjectStyle and content uses "OverFlow" ParagraphStyle. The calling frame gets a StrokeColor called "OverFlow" Only works in InDesign server. |
FillTint |
Implied |
[-1,100] |
Percentage value for the fill color. |
StrokeTint |
Implied |
[-1,100] |
Percentage value for the stroke color. |
BalCols |
Implied |
True False |
Sets the vertical justification balance columns. |
WIgnore |
Implied |
1 0 |
If 1, ignore textwrap (only for text frames) |
WrapAndStrokeAttributes | |||
InteractiveAttributes |