Set up security for a tenant and a site

Version: 9.3

You can use the predefined SXA roles to manage user's access to items and content. Before you can assign these roles to users, you must set up security for the tenant and site.


You can only set up security for sites after you set up the security for the tenant.

Set up security for a tenant

To set up security for a tenant:

  1. Right-click the tenant, click Scripts and then click SetupSecurity.

  2. In the Security domain dialog box either:

    • Click the Sitecore domain, and click Proceed.

    • Click Create new domain, click Proceed and enter a domain name, and click Create.


    If you select a different domain than Sitecore, you must set the read/write permissions on the Languages node for one of the base roles or for the Everyone role of your domain.

  3. In the Tenant security roles dialog box:

    • To add the default SXA roles, click Assign.

    • To select a different role, click and then click Assign.

    Tenant security roles dialog box.

    To clear the domain, or undo the security settings, click the Tenant and in the Security section clear the Role domain field.

Set up security for a site

Before you can set up the security for a site, you must set up security for its tenant.

To set up security for a site:

  1. Right-click the site, click Scripts and then click SetupSecurity.

  2. In the Security domain dialog box either:

    • Click the Sitecore domain, and click Proceed.

    • Click Createnewdomain, then click Proceed and enter a domain name, and click Create.


    By default, the domain you selected for the tenant is preselected.

  3. In the Site security roles dialog box:

    • To add the default roles, click Assign.

    • To select a different role, click and then click Assign.

    Site security roles dialog box.

After you have configured security for your tenant and site, you can create new users and assign them to the Admin, Author, Designer role in the User Manager.


To clear the domain, or undo the security settings, click the Site and in the Security section clear the Role domain field.

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