Conditional renderings

Version: 10.2

A conditional rendering is a piece of content that is displayed or rendered when a predefined condition is met. You can use conditional renderings to control the way visitors view and interact with your website.

Examples of conditional rendering include:

  • Showing different content to visitors based on a rule that checks for their geographic location.

  • Hiding a registration form from visitors who previously have filled out the form.

  • Changing the text in a website banner based on a visitor's referring site.

Conditional rendering and personalization

Conditional rendering is often used as a synonym for personalized content. It is not, however, a synonym for personalization. Personalization refers to the broad process of delivering targeted, relevant content to visitors.

Personalization includes both adaptive personalization – that is, dynamically changing the content of your website based on the visitor’s behavior – and rule-based personalization, which involves the creation and implementation of personalization rules that deliver conditional renderings.

Conditional rendering rules

You set conditions for conditional rendering in the Rule Set Editor. The Rule Set Editor uses logic-based rules to determine if a condition is true. You can define actions, such as a conditional rendering, which take effect when a condition is true, or met. A condition that is linked to an action is called a rule.

You can access the Rule Set Editor from the Experience Editor. You can access it from the Content Editor and Marketing Control Panel as well, but you typically will create conditional renderings in the Experience Editor.

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