The security elements

Version: 10.2

The Sitecore Forms application groups the Password and Password confirmation form elements in the Security section of the Forms elements pane.


Use the Password element to add a field to your form where a contact can enter a password.






Caption that tells your contacts what information a particular form field is asking for.

Field name

Name of the element. Always use meaningful names for the Field name. The Field name is the actual Item name for the Sitecore definition item for the form field.

Default value

Sets the initial value of the input control.

Placeholder text

Text in a form field that functions as a hint to describe the expected value. The placeholder text disappears when the contact clicks the field. For example, Enter your password here.

Minimum text length

Determines the minimum text length.

Maximum text length

Determines the maximum text length.


Field validation

Determines whether field validation is applied.

Field importance

Indicates whether the contact must fill in the field. The options are Optional or Mandatory.


CSS class

Defines the CSS class of the field.

CSS class for label

Defines the CSS class of the label.


Edit conditions

Apply conditional actions to fields in web forms. Click Edit conditions to add a condition.

Advanced settings

Allow save

Enables or disables saving the filled-in field data upon form submission.

Performance tracking

Select to record data about how the field performs. For tracking to work, on the Settings tab, the Performance tracking checkbox for the form must also be selected.

Value provider

Select the source that you want to link the field to. The prefill value of the form will be fetched from this source.

Value provider parameters

Enter the key to match the field.

Password confirmation

Use the Password confirmation element to prevent users registering with an incorrect password.






Caption that tells your contacts what information a particular form field is asking for.

Confirm password label

Caption that goes with the confirm password field.

Field name

Name of the element.

Password placeholder text

Text in a form field that functions as a hint to describe the expected value. The placeholder text disappears when the contact clicks the field. For example, Enter your password here.

Confirm password placeholder text

Text in a form field that functions as a hint to describe the expected value. The placeholder text disappears when the contact clicks the field. For example, Confirm your password here.

Minimum text length

Determines the minimum text length. Contacts see a validation error message if their input is lower than the value specified in this field.

Maximum text length value

Determines the maximum text length. Contacts see a validation error message if their input is higher than the value specified in this field.


Field validation

Determines whether field validation is applied.

Field importance

Indicates whether the visitor must fill in the field. The options are Optional or Mandatory.


CSS class

Defines the CSS class of the field.

CSS class for label

Defines the CSS class of the label.


Edit conditions

Apply conditional actions to fields in web forms. Click Edit conditions to add a condition.

Advanced settings

Allow save

Enables or disables saving the filled-in field data upon form submission.

Performance tracking

Select to record data about how the field performs. For tracking to work, on the Settings tab, the Performance tracking checkbox for the form must also be selected.

Value provider

Select the source that you want to link the field to. The prefill value of the form will be fetched from this source.

Value provider parameters

Enter the key to match the field.

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