
Version: 9.3

The search engine in Sitecore lets you quickly search through all your items in the content tree. To help you locate exactly the item you are looking for, you can use the advanced search functionality, such as search filters and facets.


The search does not include your archived items.

You can access the Sitecore search engine from every item in the content tree in the Content Editor or from the ribbon in the Experience Editor.

The Content Editor

In the Content Editor, there is a Search tab next to the content tab of every item. Item buckets open directly on the Search tab because you need the search functionality to find and open hidden items in an item bucket.

To run a search on an item in the content tree, in the content area, click Search and, in the new Search tab, enter your search criteria. The search runs through the selected item only.

The Search tab for an item in the Content Editor.

If you want to run more than one search from the same item, you just open a new Search tab. You can open as many search tabs as you want. Each Search tab has a time stamp that gives you a reference to each specific search, for example, if you want to save a search.

The Experience Editor

To open the search in the Experience Editor, in the ribbon, click Search . The Navigate to Item dialog box opens and runs by default a search for all the items in Sitecore.

The Navigate to Item dialog box showing results for all content items.

The search interface

Whether you access a search from the Content Editor or the Experience Editor, you have the same options to build a query, to view, and to filter the search results.

The Search tab with callouts to the search options, results, and filters.

Search field

In the Search field, you enter the search query for your search. You can enter either free text, use the predefined search filters, or a combination of both. You can access the search options from the drop-down menu.

More search options

If you click the drop-down arrow to the left of the search field, you open a list of pre-defined search options that you can use to optimize and speed up your search. You can, for example, open an item from a list of the most recently modified or opened items, select one of the pre-defined search filters, or apply one of the search operations to all the items returned by the search.


The administrator sets up the search engine and determines, for example, which search views and facets are available to you and whether or not you are able to see media items in the search results.

View types

The different views of the search results are available to the right of the search field. The default views are List View, Grid View, and Image View . If necessary, your administrator can activate several other views such as Tag View or Table View.


If you change the view, the search is launched again, based only on the keywords and filters in the Search field.


A facet is a way of categorizing the items returned by a search. For example, the items can be classified by author, language, or by when they were created. Once you have a list of search results, you can use the facets to filter the results further.

Search results

When you run a search, the results are listed below the search field. The search results contain basic information about the items returned, such as title, template, and version to give you a quick overview. From the list of search results, you can click an item to open it in the Content Editor or to navigate to the appropriate page in the Experience Editor.

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