Add an RSS feed

Version: 10.0

An RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a web feed that can publish frequently updated material — such as blogs, news headlines, audio, video, and so on — in a standardized format. SXA contains a feed rendering that enables you to quickly add an RSS feed to your site.

To add a feed to a page:

  1. In the Experience Editor, in the toolbox, in the Social group, click Feed and drag it to the page.

  2. In the Select the Associated Content dialog box, click Feeds, and click Create.

  3. In the Insert item dialog box, click Feed, enter a name and click OK.

  4. On the page, click No text in field to display the Read More link toolbar and then click Edits the link destination.

    Click no text in field first
  5. In the Insert a link dialog box, enter the URL for the webpage that contains information directly related to the feed, and enter the link description (for example, Read more …).

  6. To enter the hyperlink to the RSS feed, click URL to the feed (RSS or Atom).

  7. Click The number of items in the feed to display to enter the number of the most recent items from the feed that you want to render.

  8. To set the caching, click How long the data is cached on the server (in minutes). If this is not null, then data from the RSS feed is cached.

When you switch to Preview mode, you can see how the feed displays. For example, for a Sitecore blog feed that renders the three most recent blog posts, which contains a Read more link that points to the official site, and a cache refresh time set to ten minutes:

In the Experience Editor:

Experience Editor mode

In Preview mode:

Preview mode

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