Experience Edge plugin
The Sitecore CLI Experience Edge plugin provides commands for logging in, listing and choosing a tenant, and managing API keys for accessing the GraphQL endpoint from your preferred command line interface.
The plugin is available for Sitecore CLI version 5.1.25 and later.
Install the Experience Edge plugin
Before installing the Experience Edge plugin, you must install the Sitecore CLI version 5.1.25 or later.
If you have an older version of the CLI, upgrade the CLI.
To install the Experience Edge plugin:
In the directory of your Sitecore project, run the following command:
RequestResponsedotnet sitecore plugin add -n Sitecore.Edge.DevEx.Sitecore.Plugin
When the script completes, run the following command to verify the Experience Edge plugin installation:
RequestResponsedotnet sitecore edge -h
If the installation succeeds, the command prints out the Experience Edge plugin commands list.