Run your first Sitecore instance

Version: 10.4

This topic shows how you quickly get an out-of-the-box Sitecore Experience Platform - Single (XP0) instance up and running with minimal configuration.


Although this topic uses the Sitecore Experience Platform - Single (XP0) configuration for simplicity, you can use the same approach to start any configuration.

Docker Compose files for each Sitecore topology are included in the Sitecore Container Deployment Package that you can download from the Sitecore download page.

This topic assumes that your local environment is set up for developing with Docker on Windows. See Environment setup for details. Make sure you have switched to Windows containers.

You must also have a valid Sitecore license file.


The default Sitecore container configuration uses specific ports. To avoid any conflicts, ensure that the following ports are not being used by another process: 443, 8079, 8081, 8984, and 14330.

Troubleshooting Docker advice is available as well.

The Sitecore Container Deployment package

The Sitecore Container Deployment package contains these files:

  • docker-compose.yml and .env : Types of Docker Compose files. These are the main files necessary for launching a vanilla Sitecore instance.

  • mssql-data, solr-data, and traefik - Supporting folders utilized by the Docker containers within your Sitecore instance.

  • compose-init.ps1 helper script.

Each of these is explained in more detail in the following sections.

The Docker Compose files

  • docker-compose.yml

    This Compose file is the main configuration file used by the docker compose command. It contains information about the different containers (referred to as services) and their configuration.

    For Sitecore, the services generally represent the individual Sitecore roles that make up the topology (mssql, solr, id, cm, and so on).

  • .env

    This is an environment file. The values here provide default values for any environment variables referenced in the Compose file (for example SITECORE_DOCKER_REGISTRY), or you use it to configure Compose (for example COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME).

Environment variables are the recommended way to pass configuration settings into containers. You can see how these are used in Sitecore containers in the docker-compose.yml file. The mssql service, for example, sets an environment variable to configure the SQL Server SA password (SA_PASSWORD):

  isolation: ${ISOLATION}
  image: ${SITECORE_DOCKER_REGISTRY}nonproduction/mssql-developer:2017-${SITECORE_VERSION}
    - "14330:1433"

The value is sourced from the .env file using variable substitution (${SQL_SA_PASSWORD}).


The container package includes the compose-init.ps1 script that performs the following preparation steps automatically:

  • compresses the Sitecore license file

  • creates the Identity Server token signing certificate

  • populates the .env file

  • generates the TLS/HTTPS certificates

  • installs the root certificate into your Trusted Root Certification Authorities

  • updates Windows host names.


If you have already installed Traefik certificates in your Traefik folder, the script does not install new certificates.

To run this script:

  1. Open a PowerShell administrator prompt. Navigate to the folder containing the compose-init.ps1 file.

  2. Run the following command, specifying the location of your Sitecore license file in the -LicenseXmlPath parameter:

    .\compose-init.ps1 -Topology "<your_topology>" -LicenseXmlPath "<path_to_the_license_file>" -IdHost <custom_Id_host_name> -CdHost <custom_cd_host_name> -CmHost <custom_cm_host_name> -SitecoreAdminPassword <your_password_for_Sitecore_admin> -SqlSaPassword <your_password_for_sql_sa_user>

    The parameters you can use for the compose-init.ps1 command are explained in the Sitecore XP 10.2.0 Developer Workstation Deployment with Docker guide, which you can find on the Sitecore download page.

Start Sitecore

To start Sitecore:

  • Run the following command in the same folder as your Compose file:

    docker compose up -d

This command does the following:

  • Downloads all required images from the Sitecore Container Registry.

  • Creates a default network to use.

  • Creates a container for each configured service.

  • Starts the containers with their configured entrypoints.


The -d (detached mode) tells Docker to start the containers in the background and leave them running. If you omit this, the container logs are streamed to the output instead, and you must type Ctrl+C to return to a prompt. Doing this also stops and removes your containers.

For a quick reference of this and other common commands used in this guide, see the Sitecore Docker cheat sheet.

View the running containers

To see the containers that you created:

  • Run the docker ps command:

    docker ps

This displays a list of all running containers as indicated by a status of Up. You can also see the container ID, image being used, and ports the container is exposed on:

CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                                                          COMMAND                   CREATED             STATUS                            PORTS                                                 NAMES
75684e9146f2  traefik:v2.2.0-windowsservercore-1809                                          "/traefik --ping --a…"    7 seconds ago       Up 3 seconds (healthy: starting)  80/tcp,>443/tcp,>8080/tcp  sitecore-xp0_traefik_1
67be2b1350e1                      "C:\\LogMonitor\\LogMo…"  21 seconds ago      Up 11 seconds (healthy)           80/tcp                                                sitecore-xp0_cm_1
e553b6ab0fb5  "C:\\LogMonitor\\LogMo…"  21 seconds ago      Up 11 seconds (healthy)                                                                 sitecore-xp0_cortexprocessingworker_1
8d40d14da8a2     "C:\\LogMonitor\\LogMo…"  21 seconds ago      Up 12 seconds (healthy)                                                                 sitecore-xp0_xdbautomationworker_1
b4279d4f6de7                          "C:\\LogMonitor\\LogMo…"  27 seconds ago      Up 21 seconds (healthy)           80/tcp                                                sitecore-xp0_id_1
41418243fd0d         "C:\\LogMonitor\\LogMo…"  27 seconds ago      Up 20 seconds (healthy)                                                                 sitecore-xp0_xdbsearchworker_1
6f4e64033031                "C:\\LogMonitor\\LogMo…"  27 seconds ago      Up 21 seconds (healthy) >80/tcp                                  sitecore-xp0_xconnect_1
33931b923acb                   "powershell -Command…"    About a minute ago  Up 56 seconds (healthy) >1433/tcp                               sitecore-xp0_mssql_1
3b362d8ed9a6                    "powershell -Command…"    About a minute ago  Up 56 seconds           >8983/tcp                                sitecore-xp0_solr_1

You might notice some of the statuses have (health: starting), which means they are still warming up to meet the configured health check (see healthcheck in the docker-compose.yml file). If you run the docker ps command again, you can eventually see these all change to (healthy).

Access Sitecore containers

You access the containers serviced by the reverse proxy with the HTTPS protocol, using their configured hostnames (for ex https://xp0cm.localhost).

The rest of the exposed containers are preconfigured to use specific ports (see ports in the docker-compose.yml file). In the default configuration of Docker Desktop for Windows, you access these ports on localhost.

This means you can access your Sitecore Experience Platform - Single (XP0) containers like this:

About connecting to SQL Server

When you connect to SQL Server using a port, the syntax is slightly different. You must use a comma (,) instead of a colon (:), as indicated previously. You can connect with SQL Server Authentication using the sa account and the value you specified for SQL_SA_PASSWORD in the .env file (Password12345 by default in the compose-init.ps1 file):

The Connect to Server dialog.

Populate schema and update indexes

The Sitecore container environment includes a solr-init container that runs on startup, creates the needed cores in your Solr container (if they do not exist already), and then exits. This is the expected behavior.

However, this container does not populate the Solr managed schemas or rebuild indexes. You need to do this manually or with custom scripting. You can see Solr-related errors in your container logs if you do not do this.

To populate the managed schema and update indexes:

  1. Log in to Sitecore as admin.

  2. Open the Control Panel and populate the managed schema for all search indexes.

  3. While still in the Control Panel, rebuild search indexes.

Verify your instance

To verify your instance:

  1. Browse to https://xp0cm.localhost to see the Sitecore default website.

  2. Browse to https://xp0cm.localhost/sitecore and verify you can log in to Sitecore. Use admin for the User Name and the value you specified for SITECORE_ADMIN_PASSWORD in the .env file (Password12345 by default in the compose-init.ps1 file) for the Password.

  3. Look at the logs with the following command to see the logs from all containers:

    docker compose logs -f --tail 20

    The -f (or --follow) option tells Docker to stream the output, and the --tail option limits the initial log output to the last 20 lines of each container. You can see that the logs are prefixed by the container.

  4. Type Ctrl+C when you are done to return back to a prompt.

Stop Sitecore

To stop the Sitecore instance:

  • Run the following command:

    docker compose stop

    This stops your containers, but does not remove them. They can then be started again with docker compose start.

  • To stop and remove the containers:

    docker compose down

    This stops your containers, but also removes the containers as well as any networks that were created.

  • To stop and remove containers, and also remove images:

    Add --rmi <all/local>.

Your development workflow will involve a combination of these commands. The commands are relatively fast, depending on the topology.

Persistent storage cleanup

There are now files in the mssql-data and solr-data folders. Like the traefik folder, these are folders mounted as volumes in the Compose file. They are configured in the docker-compose.yml file:

    - type: bind
      source: .\mssql-data
      target: c:\data
    - type: bind
      source: .\solr-data
      target: c:\data

The folders are used as persistent storage for the database files for the mssql service and the index files for the solr service. This means that your database and index data remain even after a docker compose down command.

However, there are situations where you want to start fresh or you need to clear these due to stale data, for example, if you change the Sitecore administrator password.

You can manually delete the files in these folders, or you can use the clean.ps1 script.

To delete the files:

  1. Open a PowerShell administrator prompt in the getting-started folder.

  2. Run the following command:


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