xDB Reference Data database
The xDB Reference Data database contains marketing reference content for all xDB data such as definitions and taxonomies.
Supported infrastructure
You can host the xDB Reference Data database on:
SQL Server
SQL Azure
Refer to the Sitecore compatibility table for compatible versions.
Reference structure
The xDB Reference Data database has its place in the Sitecore reference structure. It can be referenced by other roles, and it can also reference other roles.

Referenced by
The xDB Reference Data database is referenced by the following roles:
The xDB Reference Data database does not reference other roles.
Privacy and security
Assuming default behavior, the xDB Reference Data database does not store personal data.
Contact data is not saved in the xDB Reference Data database.
Database structure and settings
Default collation
Comparisons within the xDB Reference Data database are case sensitive. Therefore, unlike other databases, the default collation of the xDB Reference Data database is set to Latin1_General_CS_AS.
Changing the default collation may result in definition key comparisons producing incorrect results. It is strongly recommended that you do not change the default collation.