Install and configure the Experience Edge Connector

Current version: 22.x

This topic describes how to install and perform basic post-installation configuration of the Experience Edge Connector module.

To install and use this module, you must meet the following prerequisites:

  • Sitecore Experience Management 10.2, or later.

  • An active Sitecore Experience Edge subscription.


You can also use SIF to install the module.

Install the Experience Edge Connector

To install the Sitecore Experience Edge connector:

  1. Go to the Downloads page for Sitecore Headless Rendering, and choose the link for the package that is compatible with your version of XP.

  2. Download the installation package for the Experience Edge Connector module.

  3. On the Sitecore Launchpad, open the Control Panel, and in the Administration section, click Install a package.

  4. Follow the steps in the installation wizard.

  5. Before you close the wizard, select the Restart the Sitecore Client check box and the Restart the Sitecore Server check box.

Configure the Experience Edge Connector

Before you can use the connector module, you must configure the edge connection string.

To configure the edge connection string:

  1. In the Website root folder, open the App_Config\ConnectionStrings.config file.

  2. Add a new connection string and set the value to the Experience Edge authorization credentials you were provided with when you signed up. Replace the placeholders (AUTHORITY_URL_HERE, and so on) with the correct values for your subscription.

    <add name="experienceedge" connectionString="url=AUTHORITY_URL_HERE;client_id=CLIENT_ID_HERE;client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET_HERE;audience=AUDIENCE_HERE;delivery_endpoint=DELIVERY_ENDPOINT_HERE; cdn_uri=CDN_URI_HERE;media_prefix=MEDIA_PREFIX_HERE"/>

    Because of the introduction of Edge publishing target, a new fake database has been introduced in the configuration ExperienceEdgeConnector.config.

    The database ID must match the connection name defined in the ConnectionStrings.config file and the target database defined in the Edge publishing target .

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