Check the status of a long running command

Version: 10.3

You can check the status of a long running command (that you previously invoked from Postman) using the Postman sample request Check Long Running Command Status provided in the Commerce Engine software development kit (SDK). 

Some commands, such as importing very large amount of catalog data for example, can take a long time to complete. You can use the Check Long Running Command Status to check if the process initiated by the command is still ongoing or has completed.

To check the status of a long running command:

  1. In the Postman  Collections pane, expand the SitecoreCommerce_DevOps collection.

  2. Open the 3 Environment Initialize folder, and click the Check Long Running Command Status request.

  3. In the request URL field, replace the variable {{LongRunningTaskId}} with the task ID included as part of the response from the long running command.  For example, if you are checking the status of a long running import operation, use the task ID returned by the Import Catalogs (without publishing) request.


    You must ensure that you are calling the same service that the previous command was executed in. For example, if you initialized your environment, you must update the CheckCommandStatus request URL by replacing {{ServiceHost}} with {{OpsApiHost}}.

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