Sitecore configurations and topology for Azure
With the Sitecore Azure Toolkit, you can deploy a new Sitecore XP environment to the Microsoft Azure App Service® in a variety of different configurations.
For each of these configurations this topic provides:
A description of the configuration and the scenarios that are normally used
An overview of the configuration topology, which roles it contains, and how they are hosted
Topology diagrams of the configuration
When choosing the type of Sitecore topology you want to deploy, you must also consider the number of visits that you expect to have to the site and the performance requirements. To accommodate various levels of client demand, you can increase the size of most configurations by adjusting parameters in the ARM templates. This includes the components used for resourcing each size of deployment and a performance rating for the potential visits per month.
The size of the deployment is regulated by the sitecoreSKU
"sitecoreSKU": {
"value": " Extra Large"
XP Single
Use this configuration for development and testing. For security and scalability reasons, it is best practice to use the XM or XP configuration in production environments.
This is a Sitecore Experience Platform configuration that runs:
Three Sitecore roles: Content Delivery, Content Management, and Processing, as a single WebApp instance.
All XP roles: Search, Collection, Reference Data, Sitecore Cortex Processing, Sitecore Cortex Reporting, Marketing Automation, and Marketing Automation Reporting as a single WebApp instance.

XP Scaled
Use this environment when you are planning a fully-featured Sitecore Experience Platform installation.
This is a Sitecore Experience Platform configuration that runs:
Three Sitecore roles: Content Delivery, Content Management, and Processing.
All XP roles: XConnect Search, XConnect Collection, xDB Reference Data, xDB Marketing Automation, xDB Marketing Automation Reporting, Sitecore Cortex™ Processing, Sitecore Cortex™ Reporting, Each role runs as a single WebApp instance, (unlike XP Single where all of the roles are hosted on the one WebApp instance).

XM Single
Use this configuration for development and testing when you are not planning to use the analytics and marketing features of the Sitecore Experience Platform (that is, in CMS-only mode).
This is a Sitecore Experience Manager configuration that runs the Content Delivery and Content Management roles as a single WebApp instance.

XM Scaled
Use this environment when you are not planning to use the analytics and marketing features of the Sitecore Experience Platform, (that is, in CMS-only mode).
This is a Sitecore Experience Manager configuration that runs both the Content Delivery and Content Management roles.