Create public links for approved assets automatically

When you have a lot of assets and need to create public links for all of them after they are approved, it's easier and faster to use Sitecore Content Hub's actions and triggers. This way, a public link is created automatically as soon as an asset is approved.

This walkthrough describes how you can automate the creation of public links and describes how to:

Create a script

The first step is to create a script that tells Content Hub to automate the creation of public links for the original asset renditions if the links don't already exist.

To create a script:

  1. On the menu bar, click Manage cog icon.

  2. On the Manage page, click Scripts.

  3. On the Scripts page, click plus sign Script.

  4. In the Script dialog, fill in the following fields:




    A name for your script, for example, CreateAssetPublicLinkOnApproval.


    A script type, for example, Action.


    An optional description for your script.

  5. Click Save.

  6. On the Scripts page, click the CreateAssetPublicLinkOnApproval script you created.

  7. On the script details page, in the top-right corner, click Edit.

  8. In the script editor, enter the following code:

    using System.Linq;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    var assetId = Context.TargetId;
    // Check if public links don't exist yet
    var query = Query.CreateQuery(entities => from e in entities
      where e.DefinitionName == "M.PublicLink"
      && e.Parent("AssetToPublicLink") == assetId.Value
      && e.Property("Resource") == "downloadOriginal"
      && e.Property("IsDisabled") == false
      select e);
    query.Take = 1;
    var result = await MClient.Querying.QueryIdsAsync(query);
    if (result.TotalNumberOfResults > 0)
      MClient.Logger.Info("Public links already exist for asset with id '" + assetId + "'");
    // Create public links
    await CreateForRendition("downloadOriginal", assetId.Value);
    MClient.Logger.Info("Created public link 'downloadOriginal' for asset with id '" + assetId + "'");
    async Task CreateForRendition(string rendition, long assetId)
      var publicLink = await MClient.EntityFactory.CreateAsync("M.PublicLink");
      if (publicLink.CanDoLazyLoading())
        await publicLink.LoadMembersAsync(new PropertyLoadOption("Resource"), new RelationLoadOption("AssetToPublicLink"));
      publicLink.SetPropertyValue("Resource", rendition);
      var relation = publicLink.GetRelation<IChildToManyParentsRelation>("AssetToPublicLink");
      if (relation == null)
        MClient.Logger.Error("Unable to create public link: no AssetToPublicLink relation found.");
      await MClient.Entities.SaveAsync(publicLink);
  9. Click Save changes.

  10. Click Build.

  11. Click Publish.

    The script details page.

Create an action

The next step is to create an action based on the CreateAssetPublicLinkOnApproval script.

To create an action:

  1. On the Manage page, click Actions.

  2. On the Actions page, click New action.

  3. In the New action dialog, fill in the following fields:




    A name for your action. You can use the script name, namely CreateAssetPublicLinkOnApproval.


    Optional label for your action.


    A type for this action. For this example, select Action script.


    The script you want to use, for example, CreateAssetPublicLinkOnApproval.

  4. Click Save.

Create a trigger

The last step is to create a trigger that will create a public link every time an asset is approved.

To create a trigger:

  1. On the Manage page, click Triggers.

  2. On the Triggers page, click New trigger.

  3. On the trigger creation page, on the General tab, fill in the following fields:




    The name of the trigger, for example, CreateAssetPublicLinkOnApproval.


    Optionally, enter a label for your action.


    Select Entity creation and Entity modification.

    Execution type

    Select In process.

  4. On the Conditions tab, click Add definition and, in the drop-down list, click Asset (M.Asset).

  5. In the condition list, select Final lifecycle status, current value, contains, all, and Approved.

    Example of the trigger conditions.
  6. On the Actions tab, under Post actions, click Add action and select the action you created.

  7. Click Save and close.

  8. In the Save dialog, click Activate to activate the trigger.

    After the trigger is activated, a public link will be created for an asset immediately after it is approved.

    Example of a public link created automatically upon approval.

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