Authenticate without domain set up

The exact use of the WidgetsProvider component depends on whether your domain is set up with Sitecore Discover. The values for credentials can be found in Discover Customer Engagement Console (CEC).


Credentials depend on how your domain is set up with Sitecore. Authentication fails when there are incorrect credentials.

To authenticate when your subdomain is not set up:

  • In the Root component of your React project, add the WidgetsProvider component with correct credentials for authentication, as shown in the following code block.

    import { WidgetsProvider } from "@sitecore-discover/react";
    const Root = () => {
        return (
                    customerKey='<customer key>'
                    apiKey='<API key provided in CEC>'
                <MyApp />

Authenticating using this method exposes the access token on your page. This is a security risk to your page and domain. We strongly recommend that you authenticate with subdomain setup.

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