Required events to send to Sitecore Search

There are many tracking events that you can send to Sitecore Search. However, there are some events that you have to send for Search to work as expected. These events make it possible for the Search system to collect important metrics and create personalized recommendations for visitors.


When using the SDK option, the following required events are sent automatically: widget view, and widget click.

The following table lists the types of events you must send to Sitecore Search for the service to work as expected:



Entity page view

Required for personalized search recommendations.


Required for analytics and, in the case of entity conversion, personalization.


You can designate any event as a conversion by setting action_sub_type to conversion.

User login

Optional. Highly recommended for cross-device personalization.

Widget view

Required for analytics.

Widget click

Required for analytics. Must have an entities list indicating the entity that was clicked.

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