Refine search results

Sitecore Search widgets are headless configurations and do not restrict how you use the data returned from their services.

For example, if you want to allow visitors to filter using a particular attribute, you must request the attribute or attributes for which you would like a list of values. These values can then be displayed as a list of check boxes or in a drop-down list. You need to do the same when offering faceted and sorted searches.


If the request does not identify a sorting option, the configured option is used.

Configuring filters and sorting options is essential to every implementation to improve the user experience of your website or application. If you want to offer faceted search, you need to configure facet options too. At runtime, you can make these options available to your visitors in the UI to optimize engagement.

The rest of this section describes how filters, facets, and sorting work, and how you can configure them to offer engaging search recommendation experiences.


The preconfigured entities Content, Product, Category, and Store have ready-to-use filtering and sorting options selected.

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