Enable indexing of PII sensitive data in the xDB index

Version: 10.3

This topic demonstrates how to enable indexing of contact facets marked [PIISensitive]. Indexing of personal data is disabled by default.


The Experience Profile and List Manager interfaces rely on personal data being available in the xDB index. Customers must make the explicit choice to enable indexing of personal data. Sitecore encourages customers to review the security and data protection features of their chosen search provider (Solr).

  1. Open C:\<Path to indexer>\App_data\Config\Sitecore\SearchIndexer\sc.Xdb.Collection.IndexerSettings.xml.


    In a default on-premise deployment, the full path is C:\<Path to xConnect>\root\App_data\jobs\continuous\IndexWorker\App_data\Config\Sitecore\SearchIndexer\sc.Xdb.Collection.IndexerSettings.xml.

  2. Set IndexPIISensitiveData to true as shown:

        <!-- SearchIndexer role requires Collection and CollectionSearch role services -->
                <Type>Sitecore.Xdb.Collection.Indexing.IndexerSettings, Sitecore.Xdb.Collection</Type>
                <Type>Sitecore.Xdb.Collection.Indexing.DecoratedIndexer, Sitecore.Xdb.Collection</Type>
                <As>Sitecore.Xdb.Collection.Indexing.IIndexer, Sitecore.Xdb.Collection</As>
                <Type>Sitecore.Xdb.Collection.Indexing.IndexRebuildFlow, Sitecore.Xdb.Collection</Type>
                <As>Sitecore.Xdb.Collection.Indexing.IIndexRebuildFlow, Sitecore.Xdb.Collection</As>
                <!--Enable ParallelizationDegree setting to override default value which is (processorCount*4)-->
  3. Rebuild the xDB search index.


    If you change the value of the IndexPIISensitiveData from true back to false, you must rebuild the index to remove personal data.

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