Docker tools and resources
This topic links to a number of tools and resources that are useful when you work with Docker.
General Docker resources
Logs and Troubleshooting guide - The best place to start for general Docker issues is this official guide from Docker.
Docker Desktop for Windows issues on GitHub - Review community reported issues or submit your own.
Docker Desktop for Windows forum - Get help from the Docker community, review current user topics, or join a discussion.
Stackoverflow - You can find lots of Docker content here.
Sitecore Docker resources
Sitecore Community on Slack - The #docker channel has an active group of members.
Sitecore Community forum - Review current user topics, join a discussion, or start your own.
Sitecore Stack Exchange - Search for, or post, Sitecore-specific questions here.
Helpful tools
The tools listed here provide additional visibility into your containers. They are not specific to troubleshooting, but they can be helpful with better access to logs, resource usage statistics, and the file system on the container.
Visual Studio Containers window - View container information including logs and browse the file system.
Visual Studio Code Docker extension - View and manage containers, images, networks, volumes and more.
Portainer - Popular open-source tool for managing Docker environments, including local ones.