Enforce HTTPS for the xDB Reporting service end point

Version: 9.2

Applies to

xDB Reporting

Sitecore Installation Framework

HTTPS is enforced by default.

Azure Toolkit

HTTPS is enforced by default.

If you have a separate xDB Reporting role with HTTPS enabled, perform the following steps to enforce HTTPS.


This step is not required for the XP Single topology.

  • Open the C:\path\to\sitecore\App_Config\Sitecore\Marketing.xDB\Sitecore.Xdb.Remote.Client.config file and set the requireHttps property to true as shown:

    <param desc="requireHttps" type="System.Boolean" factoryMethod="Parse" arg0="true" />

HTTPS is enforced by default. To allow HTTP in a development environment, set requireHttps to false. This is not recommended in a production environment.

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