Built-in activity types

Version: 9.3

A full list of built-in activity type can be found in the xConnect installation folder, in the \App_data\jobs\continuous\AutomationEngine\App_Data\Config\sitecore\MarketingAutomation\sc.MarketingAutomation.ActivityTypes.xml configuration file.The system returns a result and updates the contact’s enrollment in the enrollment database. The path assumes that the Automation Engine is located in the xConnect jobs folder.  

Each activity type is represented by a node that defines:

  • A unique node name - for example: MarketingAutomation.Activity.CampaignListener

  • ImplementationType - An activity class that implement Sitecore.Marketing.Automation.Activity.IActivity

  • Id The GUID of a matching activity type descriptor item, located in Sitecore under /sitecore/system/settings/analytics/marketing automation/activity types:

The following node represents the CampaignListener activity type:

    <Type>Sitecore.Xdb.MarketingAutomation.Locator.ActivityTypeRegistration, Sitecore.Xdb.MarketingAutomation</Type>
        <ImplementationType>Sitecore.Marketing.Automation.Activity.CampaignListener, Sitecore.Marketing.Automation.Activity</ImplementationType>

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