Mappings applied action rule components
A mappings applied action rule is a component that determines whether a specific mappings applied action should run. The template for generic mappings applied action rules is located at /sitecore/templates/DataExchange/Framework/DataAccess/MappingsAppliedActionRules/BaseTemplates/BaseMappingsAppliedActionRule.
This topic explain how to use mapping applied action rules, and describes the available mapping applied action rules.
You do not use the base mappings applied action rule on its own. It is a base template for specific types of mappings applied action rules.
When to extend a mappings applied action rule
You can implement custom mappings applied action rules in cases where you run special logic to determine whether to run mappings applied actions.
Has facet mappings applied action rule
The Has facets mappings applied action rule is part of the xConnect provider for Data Exchange Framework.
The xConnect provider is part of the default Data Exchange Framework installation.
This action rule is used to determine whether an entity model has any facets currently set on it.
Expected mapping context target object type |
Template location |
Data Exchange/Providers/xConnect/Data Access/Mappings Applied Action Rules/Has Facets Rule |
This template has no fields on it.