Create a channel

Version: 10.0

You can track all the interactions that your contacts have with your brand through channels. You can associate channels with campaign activities, allowing you to track how contacts interact with your brand. By comparing goal conversion rates across channels, you can see which channels lead to better contact engagement. You can view reports about channel traffic and referring pages in Experience Analytics.

You can also use channels to create personalization rules that implement conditional renderings of components based on the channel a contact uses to visit your website. This helps you to provide contacts with targeted, relevant content based on the channels that they use to interact with your brand.

The Sitecore Experience Platform includes a number of pre-defined channels, but you can also create your own channels to identify other forms of traffic that are relevant to your company.

To create a new channel:

  1. In the Marketing Control Panel, in the content tree, Taxonomy group, select Channels.

  2. Select the channel type that the new channel belongs to. The channels types are:

    • Offline – for tracking offline interactions

    • Online – for tracking online interactions

  3. Select the channel group that the channel will belong to, for example, Display advertising. On the Home tab, in the Insert group, select Channel.

  4. In the dialog box, enter the name of the new channel and click OK.

  5. Click Save. To deploy the channel, on the Review tab, in the Workflow group, click Deploy.

  6. On the Publish tab, in the Publish group, select Publish to perform a site publish.

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