Dynamic bundles

Current version: 10.2

Using dynamic bundles, you can implement a merchandising strategy that lets shoppers buy a product package consisting of multiple constituent sellable items or specific variants. The difference between a static bundle and a dynamic bundle is that with dynamic bundles the shopper can modify the contents of the bundle by adding or removing items, and changing the items that make up the bundle.

The base items in a dynamic bundle provide a starting point that is used in price calculation. A dynamic bundle contains base items that can be:

  • Optional, which means a shopper can add or remove these items from the bundle.

  • Upgradable, which means a shopper can select a different sellable item from a predefined list. 

For each of these items, you specify the default quantity included in the bundle, and a maximum quantity. On the storefront, the shopper can change the default quantity up to the defined maximum.


You cannot associate a dynamic bundle to multiple catalogs, and the sellable items in a dynamic bundle must belong to the same catalog as the bundle.

For example, as a Merchandiser, you could offer the following base bundle configuration:

Bundled item




Habitat Odyssey 16GB 4G LTE (Black)



This is a base item. It cannot be removed from the bundle. It can, however, be upgraded to another model, with more memory for example.

Habitat EXT Accessories—Anti-fingerprint Screen Protector



This item is optional. The shopper can elect not to choose this item.

Habitat EXT Accessories—Single USB Power Adapter



This is a base item. It cannot be removed from the bundle.

Wireless Skinnybuds Headphones



This is optional. The shopper can elect not to choose this item.


In this example, as depicted in the following diagram, the Habitat Odyssey 16GB phone is an upgradable base item that can be replaced by one of two other devices with more memory as possible upgrades.

In a typical business scenario, an upgrade usually consists in a product of a higher value. However this is not enforced in Sitecore XC, and you can add an item of lesser value as an alternative to an upgradable base item.

Example of the elements in a dynamic product bundle

Sellable items and sellable item variants

There are two ways that you can add a sellable item with variants to a dynamic bundle:

  • You can add the main product definition to the bundle (as opposed to one of its variants). In this case, all product variants are available as part of the bundle.  

    For example, in the Sitecore XC sample catalog, the sellable item Habitat Odyssey 16GB 4G LTE smartphone is available in five colors, each defined as a product variant. When you add the main sellable item to a dynamic bundle (as opposed to adding a specific variant), you make all variants (in this case all five colors) available to the shopper for selection. The shopper must select one of the colors proposed as a variant on the product details page.

  • You can add a specific variant to the bundle (as opposed to the main product). In this case, only the variant that you associate with the bundle (for example, the Pink Habitat Odyssey 16GB 4G LTE phone) is included in the bundle.


The use of sellable items instead of variants as upgrade items in dynamic bundles has ramifications when using manual pricing.


With dynamic bundles, you can apply automatic pricing or manual pricing.

Automatic pricing

With automatic pricing, the bundle price is derived from the existing price assigned to the constituent items. You do not need to assign a price to the bundle. The bundle price is calculated by multiplying the specified item quantity, by the price defined for each constituent sellable item or variant when sold as individual product, and then adding up the values. There is no defined unit price defined within the bundle for base items or upgrades, and the bundle itself does not have a list price or price card.

With Automatic pricing, the price of a dynamic bundle changes when:

  • the shopper changes the quantity of items, adds or removes optional items, or opts to upgrade items.

  • a merchandiser changes the price assigned to the products or variants associated to the bundle.


For an overview of dynamic bundling and automatic pricing, see the Discover Sitecore channel.

Manual pricing

With manual pricing, you assign a price at the bundle level, but also at the base item level. The price that you assign to the bundle itself reflects the base price of the bundle, as displayed in the storefront, with its default base items (before the shopper makes changes with optional items or upgrades).

Base item price

With manual pricing, you must define a unit price for each base item within the bundle, for every currency specified.

  • The unit price of each base item is used to recalculate the shopper's selection if the shopper opts out of an item purchase, chooses an upgrade item.

  • When individual unit prices of bundled base items multiplied by the default quantity are added together, the total must be smaller than or equal to the base price defined for the whole bundle.

  • When the shopper changes the quantity of a constituent sellable item in the bundle, the bundle price is calculated by adding up the unit price for each constituent sellable item in the bundle.

  • When a shopper removes an optional sellable item from the bundle, the bundle price is calculated by adding up the unit price for each constituent sellable item in the bundle.

  • When a unit price is assigned to a sellable item, that price applies to all variants of the sellable item, regardless of the variant the shoppers selects.

Upgrade price

Unlike base items, items that are included in the bundle as upgrades do not require a set unit price. The unit price is optional.

When the upgrade item does not have a unit price specified:

  • and the upgrade item is the main sellable item, the bundle price is recalculated using the price set at the main sellable item level.


    If the sellable item has variants, the variant price is ignored. The main product price overrides variant prices. The bundle price is re-calculated using the main sellable item price, regardless of the variant the shopper selects.

    If you want to apply a different price based on the variant selection, add the variant itself as an upgrade item.

  • and the upgrade item is a variant, the bundle price is recalculated using the price set at the variant level.

When the upgrade item has a unit price specified, the bundle price is recalculated using the unit price in every case.


For an overview of dynamic bundling and manual pricing, see the Master Sitecore YouTube channel.


Promotions are defined at the bundle level only. Existing promotions applied to a constituent sellable item are not included in the calculation of the price of a dynamic bundle.

Availability and inventory

You do not manage the inventory of a dynamic bundle. The availability of a dynamic bundle is derived from the availability of its constituent sellable items.

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