Get an overview of personalization suggestions for all pages

Version: 10.2

In Experience Optimization, you can get an overview of all the unapplied personalization suggestions that Sitecore CortexTM has found for your Sitecore instance.

  1. To view the comprehensive list of personalization suggestions, in Experience Optimization, under Personalization, click Personalization suggestions. A list is displayed with the unapplied personalization optimizations that Sitecore Cortex suggests for all pages in your instance that you can edit.

    Each line represents one page for which there are unapplied suggestions. Each row contains the following information:

    • The page for which there are personalization suggestions.

    • The language that the suggestions apply to.

    • The site to which the page belongs.

    • The number of personalization suggestions.

    • The total predicted effect if all suggestions are applied.

  2. Click a row to open the Personalization suggestions dialog, where you can view and apply personalization suggestions

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