View and apply personalization suggestions for a page
There are two methods to view personalization suggestions for a page in the Experience Editor:
Open the Personalization suggestions tab in the Test Summary dialog box.
When a component test finishes (either because Sitecore has gathered enough data to select a test winner, or because you manually select a winner) Sitecore displays the Test Summary dialog box. If Sitecore CortexTM found segments that responded better to another experience than the test winner, then the Test Summary dialog box includes a Personalization suggestions tab.
Open the Personalization suggestions dialog box from the Optimization ribbon.
If you do not apply suggestions from the Test Summary dialog box, the suggestions are still available. In the Experience Editor, you can view all unapplied suggestions from completed component tests for the current page. To open the Personalization suggestions dialog box, on the Optimization ribbon, in the Lists group, click Personalization suggestions.
You can also get an overview of personalization suggestions for all your sites and pages in the Experience Optimization application.
Apply personalization suggestions
The Personalization suggestions tab in the Test Summary dialog box and the Personalization suggestions dialog box look and behave the same.
The Personalization suggestions tab in the Test Summary dialog box looks like this:

The Personalization suggestions dialog box, which you can open from the Experience Optimization ribbon in the Experience Editor or from the Personalization Suggestions list in the Experience Optimization application, looks like this:

The left-hand pane contains a list of segments that respond better to a different experience than the test winner. The Weighted predicted effect on each row indicates the effect of the preferred experience compared to the winning experience for the suggested segment, and takes into account the relative size of the selected segment. The Total predicted effect at the bottom of the dialog box indicates the predicted combined effect of all the selected suggestions.
The right-hand pane displays a preview of the experience preferred by a segment in the list.
To apply personalization suggestions:
Select the checkbox for the each suggestion that you want to apply.
NoteTo preview the experience that a segment will be exposed to, click Preview on the row for that segment.
Click Apply.
A new version of the current page is created with the selected personalization rules.
Push the page through the workflow and publish the page.
If you apply any personalization suggestions, the test winner remains the default experience for visitors who do not match any of the segments, and the experience that gave the best result for each applied suggestion will be shown to the defined segment.