Media items

Version: 10.3

A media item is composed of several fields and it always has a file attached to the Media field. A media item can be an image, a document, a video, or an audio file.

In Sitecore, there is a difference between media files and media items. An image or video file that is stored on your computer is called a media file. When you upload the media file to the Sitecore Media Library, the file is attached to a media item and is from then on referred to as a media item.

A Media item can be:

  • Images — .jpg, .gif, .png and other formats.

  • Microsoft Word documents — .doc and .docx files.

  • .pdf documents

  • Videos — .mpeg, .wmv and other formats.

  • Audio files — .mp3 and other audio formats.

You should store and manage your media items in the Media Library.

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