The Rule Set Editor
The Rule Set Editor is a tool that applies logic-based rules to content management. You can use the Rule Set Editor to create conditional renderings to personalize and control contacts' experiences.
There are three basic elements in the Rule Set Editor:
In the Rule Set Editor, you combine conditions with actions to create rules that you can use to implement personalization, run scripts, create steps in engagement plans, and so on.

Conditions consist of logical statements that determine whether the condition is true. For example, the where an item is locked by me condition is true if you have locked an item.
Sitecore has a number of default conditions that you can use, but you can also implement your own conditions.
Actions are the logical steps that are implemented when one or more of the conditions in a rule are true. For example, you can implement a condition for registered contacts that hides a registration form if it's been filled out previously.
You typically create actions that implement conditional renderings of a website for contacts who meet the criteria of a condition. You can also specify actions that hide or show content if a condition has been met.
Sitecore has a number of default actions available, but you can also implement your own actions.
Rules associate one or more actions with one or more conditions. You must define your conditions and actions before you can implement a rule. You can also use logical operators such as And and or to create combinations of multiple conditions and actions.
For example, you could create a rule that hides a particular content item from contacts from North America. The conditions of your rule check the geographical location of your contacts and if they are from the U.S., Canada, or Mexico, the relevant pages of your website will not be displayed.