What's new in Sitecore Discover
We're continuously adding new features in the Customer Engagement Console (CEC) for merchandisers, and improving the developer experience for integration.
Bookmark this page and check back periodically for new features and capabilities. Here are the latest updates.
June 2023
Sitecore has deprecated the following integration methods:
Hosted pages with Discover
Using Discover runtime JS
We recommend that you use the Discover JS SDK to integrate your website or the Discover API for a website or application integration.
May 2023
Sitecore Discover CLI - install the new command line interface package in your project to replicate widget templates from Discover UI Components package by specifying name and directory. After creation, update the models in the code to match the entities configured in the CEC.
April 2023
Sitecore Discover starter kit - download the GitHub repository for a starter kit, built using Discover JS SDK and UI components packages. Browse the demo to see the widgets in action. We encourage developers to start their integration with this codebase.
Frequently bought together widget - you can use this recommendation widget to encourage visitors to buy co-bought products. The JS SDK guide has a procedure for its usage. The UI components reference site also contains the widget template.
CEC Analytics - for details about a report, click
and then click Help. The information includes the visualization or table, report features, data filters, and metric definitions.
March 2023
Discover JS SDK and UI Components for React - front-end developers can now use Discover JS SDK and UI Components for React to quickly integrate search and recommendation experiences. We've provided documentation to help you get started with your integration using the JS SDK for React.
Discover UI Components reference site - on this reference site, you can see widget templates and the code required to integrate them. Also included is information on theming widgets.
October 2022
Discover Developer guide - to support developers working on Discover integrations, we've produced a brand new set of documentation now available on the web. This documentation helps you with your on-boarding with Discover, helps you prepare and plan your integration, and covers all the supported integration methods.
Discover User guide - with this guide, merchandisers can learn the key concepts behind Discover and they can use pages and widgets to create memorable experiences and drive conversions. The guide describes the various sections of the CEC and contains many procedures.