Managing data systems in Sitecore Personalize
A data system is an external system that contains dynamic data that you can use in a decision model variant.
A typical reason for using a data system in a decision model is to use the output from the data system as input into another decision. For example, if you want to retrieve real-time weather information, you can pass the guest's location to a weather service and it can respond with real-time weather data. You can then use this data in decisioning, or use it as content in an offer.
You must set up a connection to the data system to enable the Data System component to display on the decision palette.
Use a data system in a decision
A data system is an external system that contains dynamic data that you can use in a decision model variant. Sitecore Personalize enables you to map the parameters that you want to pass to the data system. The data system can use these parameters to determine the data system response.
To use a data system in a decision:
Click and drag the Data System component from the palette to the decision canvas. A list of data systems displays.
In the Decisioning pane, next to the data system you want to add, click Add. The Data System component displays on the decision canvas.
Click the Edit
icon. A tab displays with the name of the Data System component.
In the Map Request Inputs section, enter a value for each attribute in the mapping field. If no attributes display in the Map Request Inputs section, the user who created the data system connection did not include any template literal syntax in the Request Body window or Request URL field when they configured the connection.
TipYou must use double quotes (") around any string values that you enter in the attribute fields in the Map Request Inputs section. Do not use any quotes for string values that you enter in the Test Parameters section.
To use an output from the Data System component as an input into another decision, click Copy next to the Output Reference attribute, and paste the copied output reference when configuring the input column in a decision table. You can also use the output reference when writing the programmable decision in JavaScript.
NoteWhen you use an output reference, you must connect the data system to the reliant decision component on the decision canvas.
Click Test Connection. The Test Connection screen displays.
Click Test Now. If the user who set up the connection to the analytical model included template literal syntax ${} in the Request Response, the Test Parameters window displays.
For each parameter, click one of the following parameter types from the drop-down list:
For each parameter, enter a test value to pass to the data system, in the field next to the parameter type.
Click Run Test. The Test Connection screen displays the results of the test in the response window with the relevant status code.
Click Back to return to the Connections list screen.