Add a cookie warning message to your site

Version: 9.3

If you want to be compliant with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ePrivacy, you must inform your users about collection and sharing of personal information. SXA lets you inform visitors that your site uses cookies. You can customize the message, select the warning type, and exclude pages from having cookie warnings.


The privacy warning displays on every page load, until the visitor gives consent. It does not affect tracking functionality, and is merely a warning for visitors that tracking is enabled on the site.

To add a cookie warning to your pages:

  1. In the Content Editor, navigate to sitecore/Content/<tenant>/<site>/Settings/Privacy Warning.

  2. In the Privacy Warning Content section, fill in the following fields:



    Privacy Warning Content

    Enter your cookie warning statement.

    Privacy Warning Button Text

    Enter the button text. By default, it is set to Confirm.

    Privacy Warning Type

    Select the type of warning:

    • Hidden - the warning is disabled and will not appear.

    • Permissive - if the user gives consent, the warning disappears, and the user can continue to use the website. If the user closes the warning, the warning keeps reappearing every time the page is refreshed.

    • Restrictive - the user can only continue to use the website by giving consent.

    • Show Once - even without giving consent, the user can continue to use the website. However, the warning stays until the user gives consent or refreshes the page.

    • Accept on Close - even if the user closes the warning, it is interpreted as consent. The warning will not reappear.

    Pages on which privacy warning will not appear

    Click Edit, and in the Select items dialog box, select the pages that you do not want the privacy message to appear on.

    Learn More Button Target

    Enter a link to a privacy policy.

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