
Current version: 10.4

Events track visitor activity on a website. Tracking events helps build up a more complete picture of a visitor’s behavior as they navigate your website. You should assign engagement value points to all events to reflect their relative importance to your organization.

You can track events such as:

  • Downloads

  • Searches

  • Registration

  • Logout

Visitors can trigger events in goals and campaigns when they achieve certain objectives on your website. You can also use events to track how visitors come to your site, for example, from promotions or campaigns. The Experience Analytics application creates reports where you can view campaign and conversion-tracking data.

Sitecore administrators can edit existing events and create additional events if you need them. You must remember to specify how many engagement value points you want to assign to each event.

You can also create marketing automation campaigns that use events and triggers to select the relevant automated actions for specific stages in your engagement plan.

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