
The Fluent SDK provides a better way for developers to update a CH instance and then checks the results of their test.

Using Fluent SDK testing library through the Web Client SDK

The following example creates a new M.Tag entity and asserts the entity's properties once it's saved

var endpoint = new Uri("https://your.m.endpoint.com");
var oath = new OAuthPasswordGrant
  ClientId = "client_id",
  ClientSecret = "client_secret",
  UserName = "username",
  Password = "password" 

var fluentClient = new FluentClient(MClientFactory.CreateMClient(endpoint, oauth));

var culture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
var name = "A.Tag";
var label = "Tag Label";
var synonyms = "Tag 1, Tag 2, Tag 3";

var newTag =
    .SetPropertyValue("TagName", name)
    .SetPropertyValue("TagLabel", culture, label)
    .SetPropertyValue("Synonyms", culture, synonyms)

  .AssertPropertyEqual("TagName", name)
  .AssertPropertyEqual("TagLabel", culture, label)
  .AssertPropertyEqual("Synonyms", culture, synonyms);

The following example creates a new M.Tag entity with a child relation and asserts the entity's relations once it's saved

var endpoint = new Uri("https://your.m.endpoint.com");
var oath = new OAuthPasswordGrant
  ClientId = "client_id",
  ClientSecret = "client_secret",
  UserName = "username",
  Password = "password" 

var fluentClient = new FluentClient(MClientFactory.CreateMClient(endpoint, oauth));

var culture = new CultureInfo("en-US");

var parentTag =
    .SetPropertyValue("TagName", "IntegrationTest.TestParentTag1")
    .SetPropertyValue("TagLabel", culture, "Test Parent Label")

var childTag =
    .SetPropertyValue("TagName", "IntegrationTest.TestChildTag1")
    .SetPropertyValue("TagLabel", culture, "Test Child Label")

    relation = relation.Children.Add(childTag.Id.Value))

parentTag.AssertRelation("TagToSelf", RelationRole.Parent, childTag);

A more detailed Walkthrough

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