Walkthrough: using Stylelabs.M.SDK.Fluent through the Web Client SDK

This section walks you through the following:

Create a project


The following examples use the .NET Core CLI, you can use the equivalent functionality in your preferred IDE.

In order to create a new project execute the following commands:

 mkdir Walkthrough
 cd Walkthrough
 dotnet new integration-tests --framework net6.0

Once the project is created a reference to Content Hub SDK Fluent libraries is required:

dotnet add package Stylelabs.M.Sdk.Fluent.Testing --source https://nuget.sitecore.com/resources/v3/index.json

Create a base class


These examples use xUnit as testing framework

Create a base class that takes care all the common functionality, for example, creating the SDK client.

using System;
using Stylelabs.M.Sdk.Fluent;
using Stylelabs.M.Sdk.WebClient.Authentication;

namespace Integration.Tests.Walkthrough
  public abstract class TestBase
    protected readonly IWebMClient _mClient;
    protected readonly FluentClient _fluentClient;

    protected TestBase()
      _mClient = CreateMClient();
      _fluentClient = new FluentClient(_mClient);

    private static IWebMClient CreateMClient()
      var endpoint = new Uri(Configuration.Authentication.Url);

      var oath = new OAuthPasswordGrant
        ClientId = Configuration.Authentication.ClientId,
        ClientSecret = Configuration.Authentication.ClientSecret,
        Password = Configuration.Authentication.Password,
        UserName = Configuration.Authentication.Username

      return Stylelabs.M.Sdk.WebClient.MClientFactory.CreateMClient(endpoint, oath);

Create entities

Create a new test class. The tests on this class will:

  • Create a new Entity Definition and validate its members

  • Create a new Entity and validate its members

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using Stylelabs.M.Sdk.Fluent.Testing.Extensions;
using Stylelabs.M.Sdk.Models.Base.PropertyDefinitions;
using Stylelabs.M.Sdk.WebClient.IntegrationTests.Fluent.Wrappers;
using Xunit;

namespace Sdk.Fluent.Testing.Walkthrough
  public class NewEntities : FluentTestBase
    public void Create_New_EntityDefinition()
      var definition = _fluentClient.EntityDefinitions
        .NewMemberGroup("MyGroup", overviewGroup = overviewGroup
          .AddPropertyDefinition<StringPropertyDefinition> (
            stringPropertyDefinition = 
              stringPropertyDefinition.IncludedInContent = true;
              stringPropertyDefinition.IsMultiValue = false;
              stringPropertyDefinition.Labels = new Dictionary<CultureInfo, string> 
                { { CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "myStringProperty" } };

        .MemberGroup("MyGroup", group = group

    public void Create_New_Entity()
      var entity = _fluentClient.EntityFactory
        .SetProperty("myStringProperty", "this is an string value")
        .SetProperty("myBooleanProperty", true)
        .SetProperty("myIntProperty", 100)

        .AssertPropertyEqual("myBooleanProperty", true)
        .AssertPropertyGreaterOrEqual("myIntProperty", 100);

Query entities

Create a new test class. The tests on this class will:

  • Query Entities by entity definition

  • Query Entity by id

  • Query many Entities

using Stylelabs.M.Sdk.Fluent.Models;
using Stylelabs.M.Sdk.Fluent.Testing.Extensions;
using Stylelabs.M.Sdk.WebClient.IntegrationTests.Fluent.Wrappers;
using Xunit;

namespace Sdk.Fluent.Testing.Walkthrough
  public class QueryEntities : FluentTestBase
    public void Query_Entity_ByEntityDefinition()
      var entities = _fluentClient.Entities

      foreach (FluentEntity entity in entities)
          .AssertPropertyEqual("myBooleanProperty", true)
          .AssertPropertyEqual("myIntProperty", 100);

    public void Query_Many_Entities()
      var entities = _fluentClient.Entities
        .GetMany(new long[] { 12345, 67890 }); // this should be a list of valid ids

      foreach (FluentEntity entity in entities)
          .AssertPropertyEqual("myBooleanProperty", true)
          .AssertPropertyEqual("myIntProperty", 100);

    public void Query_Entity_ById()
        .Get(12345) // this should be a valid id
        .AssertPropertyEqual("myBooleanProperty", true)
        .AssertPropertyNotEqual("myIntProperty", 10);

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