Track products created
To add metrics to the Reporting dashboard about products created, you need to create and trigger an event in the Reporting logs. After you update the settings for PredefinedEventTypes
, whenever a product is created it is recorded in the log.
There are many events that can be tracked and added to the Reporting dashboard (for example, the number of project tasks completed or the number of download orders created).
This walkthrough provides an example of how to track an event and describes how to:
Create an event to track products
To create an event to track products:
On the menu bar, click Manage .
On the Manage page, click Actions.
Click New action and, in the New action dialog, define the following setting.
Name - product.created
Label - Product created
Type - Reporting channel
Click Save.
Create a trigger
To create a trigger:
On the Manage page, click Triggers.
Click New trigger and, on the General tab, define the following setting.
Name - Product creation - register audit event
Objective - Entity creation
Execution type - In background
On the Conditions tab, click Add definition, and select Product (M.PCM.Product).
On the Actions tab, click Add action, and select Product.created.
Click Save and close.
When prompted to activate the trigger, click Activate.
Update the PredefinedEventTypes settings
To update the PredefinedEventTypes settings:
On the Manage page, click Settings.
On the Settings page, in the Search box, enter PredefinedEventTypes and select it.
In the Value field, enter product.created, in the Label field, enter Product created, and then click Add.
Click Save.