Reporting events
The following table describes the standard reporting event types recorded in the reporting index.
Event type |
Description |
asset.approved |
A user approves an asset in the context of a task. |
asset.conversion.completed |
The conversion of an item in a download order finishes. An order can contain multiple items to be downloaded. For each item in the order, a log entry with the event type asset.conversion.completed is recorded. | |
First download of an asset for each user and rendition. The event type is the same for all rendition types but the rendition type of the download appears in the details of the recorded event. |
asset.rejected |
A user rejects an asset in the context of a task. |
asset.rework |
A user edits an asset in the context of a task. | |
A media asset starts playing in a browser. |
block.created |
A new block is created in a project. |
block.started |
A user sets the status of a project block as In progress. |
block.finished |
A user sets the status of a project block as Done. |
chili.highres.pdfprintrequested |
A publication is downloaded in a high-res PDF format. |
chili.lowres.pdfprintrequested |
A publication is downloaded in a low-res PDF format. |
fragment.approved |
A user approves a fragment in the context of a task. |
fragment.rejected |
A user rejects a fragment in the context of a task. |
fragment.rework |
A user reworks a fragment in the context of a task. |
gatewaydownload.completed |
An external system invokes the Gateway endpoint to fetch entities. |
lifecycle.approved |
A user approves an asset. |
lifecycle.archived |
A user archives an asset. |
lifecycle.assetdeleted |
A user deletes an asset. |
lifecycle.created |
A user uploads an asset. |
lifecycle.directpublished |
A user publishes an asset without submitting it for review. |
lifecycle.rejected |
A user rejects an asset submitted for review. |
lifecycle.restored |
A user restores an archived asset. |
lifecycle.submitted |
A user submits an asset for review. |
notification.confirmaccount |
A user confirms the creation of their account. |
notification.discussioncreated |
A user adds a new comment. |
notification.discussionmodified |
A user updates an existing comment. |
notification.forgotpassword |
A user submits a password reset request. |
notification.ordercompleted |
A completed download order is ready. |
notification.orderfailed |
A download order fails. |
notification.orderpartiallyfailed |
An incomplete download order is ready. |
notification.propertyupdated |
An entity property is updated. |
notification.renditioncompleted |
One or more renditions are ready for download. |
notification.reportinglogordercompleted |
A download order for reporting logs is ready. |
notification.reportinglogorderfailed |
A download order for reporting logs fails. |
notification.searchchanged |
The result set of a saved search changes. |
notification.taskcreated |
A new task is created in the context of a project. |
notification.taskdeclined |
A task is declined. |
notification.taskdone |
A task is completed. |
notification.userauditlogordercompleted |
A download order for user logs is ready. |
notification.userauditlogorderfailed |
A download order for user logs fails. | |
A download order is completed. |
order.package.created |
A download order is created. |
publiclink.requested |
A new public link is requested from the asset details page. Important Cached publiclink.requested events are not included in the reporting logs. |
task.accepted |
A user accepts a task assignment on the task detail page. |
task.assigned |
A user assigns a task to a user or a user group. |
task.completed |
A user sets the status of a task as Done. |
user.account.created |
Someone uses SSO to log in for the first time, causing the external identity provider to issue them a valid token, and causing Sitecore Content Hub to create them a user account. |
user.account.emailblacklisted |
An unauthorized user tries to log in. |
user.account.emailconfirmation |
A confirmation email is sent to someone who has registered for the first time. |
user.account.modified |
A user email address is successfully modified. |
user.account.notcreated |
An attempt to register a user, using either SSO or the Content Hub interface, fails. |
user.activated |
A restricted user is reactivated. |
user.changepassword.completed |
The current user changes their password. |
user.created |
A user account is created. |
user.deleted |
A user account is deleted. |
user.impersonated |
A user logs in by impersonating another user. |
user.lockedout |
A user exceeds the maximum permitted login attempts, causing their account to become locked. |
user.login.failed |
A user login attempt fails due to incorrect credentials or an invalid token. |
user.login.notassociated |
A user tries to log in using SSO but the external identity provider does not issue a valid response. |
user.login.success |
A user successfully logs in. |
user.logout |
A user manually logs out. |
user.modified |
A user account is modified. |
user.passwordreset |
A user either initiates the password reset process for their account, or resets the password of another user account. |
user.passwordreset.completed |
A user uses the forgot password functionality and an email is sent containing a link to reset the password. |
user.restricted |
A user account is restricted. |
usergroup.created |
A user group is created. |
usergroup.deleted |
A user group is deleted. |
usergroup.modified |
A user group is modified. |
privileges.added |
One or more privileges are added to a user group. |
privileges.removed |
One or more privileges are removed from a user group. |
publiclink.selected |
A public link is selected from a content entity. |