Change form items storage location

Version: 9.0

The Web Forms for Marketers module lets you change and specify the location of where you store your form items. You may want to do this for security reasons or to structure data in a more useful and logical manner.

By default, the form items that make up web forms are stored in the content tree, in the /sitecore/System/Modules/Web Forms for Marketers folder. Each form is based on the /sitecore/Templates/Web Forms for Marketers/Form template. If the formsRoot attribute is not defined for a site, new forms are created in the content tree under /sitecore/System/Modules/Web Forms for Marketers/Local Forms folder.

To change the default location of where form items are stored:

  1. Open and edit the Sitecore.Forms.Config file.

  2. In the formsRoot attribute, located in configuration /sitecore/sites/site [name="website"]/attribute, replace the Item ID with the new Item ID of the folder where you want to store the form items, for example: {F1F7AAB6-C8CE-422F-A214-F610C109FA63}

    <site name="website">
            <x:attribute name="formsRoot">{F1F7AAB6-C8CE-422F-A214-F610C109FA63}</x:attribute>
  3. Save the changes to the config file.

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