Configure WFFM for deployment on the Azure App Service

Current version: 9.0

From Sitecore 8.2.3, WFFM 8.2.3, and SAT 1.1 onwards, you can install the Web Forms for Marketers (WFFM) module as part of the Sitecore XP installation on the Azure App Service. The WFFM module installation is fully integrated and supports the following Sitecore configurations: XP0, XP, and XDB.

This topic describes how to:

Prepare to deploy WFFM

To prepare to deploy WFFM:

  1. Download the Web Deploy Packages (WDPs) for WFFM.

  2. After preparing the WDPs, upload the WDPs to a storage account.

  3. Locate the WFFM template for your topology on Github.

Inject the WFFM module into Sitecore XP .parameters.json file for your topology

To inject WFFM into Sitecore XP:

  1. Ensure you have a .parameters.json file for your Sitecore environment.

  2. Add the modules parameter to the .parameters.json file and configure the Bootloader module with your Sitecore deployment.

  3. Insert the configuration snippet for the WFFM module to the modules parameter in the .parameters.json file for your Sitecore configuration from the sections below.

  4. Run your Sitecore deployment as usual.

Integrate a WFFM deployment into a Sitecore XP0 environment

To integrate a WFFM deployment into a Sitecore XP0 environment deployment:

  1. Add the following snippet to the modules parameter in the .parameters.json file.

    { ,"modules": {"value": {"items": [
    "name" : "wffm",
    "templateLink" : "<url of WFFM azuredeploy.json for XP0 topology>",
    "parameters" : {
    "singleMsDeployPackageUrl" : "<url of the WDP package>"
  2. Populate the parameters for the WFFM module:

    • For templateLink, go to Github and use the URL of the WFFM template for your selected topology, or your storage account.

    • For singleMsDeployPackageUrl, go to the Sitecore Dev Portal and download the latest version of the package for Web Forms for Marketers 8.2, and use the URL of the WDP package for WFFM for XP0 topology.

Populate the WFFM module parameters for XP

To integrate your WFFM deployment into the Sitecore XP environment deployment:

  1. Add the following snippet to the modules parameter in the .parameters.json file.

    { ,"modules": {"value": {"items": [… ,
    "name" : "wffm",
    "templateLink" : "<url of WFFM azuredeploy.json for XP topology>",
    "parameters" : {
    "cdMsDeployPackageUrl" : "<url of the *_cd WDP package>",
    "cmMsDeployPackageUrl": "<url of the *_cm WDP package>",
    "prcMsDeployPackageUrl": "<url of the *_prc WDP package>",
    "repMsDeployPackageUrl": "<url of the *_rep WDP package>"
  2. Populate the parameters for the WFFM module:

    • For the templateLink, go to Github and use the URL of the WFFM template for the selected topology, or your storage account.

    • For cdMsDeployPackageUrl, go to the Sitecore Dev Portal and download the latest version of the, package for Marketers 8.2, and use the URL of the WDP package for CD Role Web Forms.

    • For cmMsDeployPackageUrl, go to the Sitecore Dev Portal and download the latest version of the package for Marketers 8.2, and use the URL of the WDP package for CD Role Web Forms.

    • For prcMsDeployPackageUrl, go to the Sitecore Dev Portal and download the latest version of the package for Marketers 8.2, and use the URL of the WDP package for CD Role Web Forms.

    • For repMsDeployPackageUrl, go to Sitecore Dev Portal and download the latest version of the package for Marketers Reporting 8.2, and use the URL of the WDP package for CD Role Web Forms.

Populate the WFFM module parameters for XDB

To integrate your WFFM deployment into the Sitecore XDB environment deployment:

  1. Add the following snippet to the modules parameter in the .parameters.json file.

    "modules": {
    "value": {
    "items": [
    "name" : "wffm",
    "templateLink" : "<url of WFFM azuredeploy.json for XDB topology>",
    "parameters" : {
    "prcMsDeployPackageUrl": "<url of the *_prc WDP package>",
    "repMsDeployPackageUrl": "<url of the *_rep WDP package>"
  2. Populate the parameters for the WFFM module:

    • For templateLink, go to Github and use the URL of the WFFM template for the selected topology, or your storage account.

    • For prcMsDeployPackageUrl, go to the Sitecore Dev Portal and download the latest version of the package for Marketers 8.2, and use the URL of the WDP package for CD Role Web Forms.

    • For repMsDeployPackageUrl, go to the Sitecore Dev Portal and download the latest version of the package for Marketers Reporting 8.2, and use the URL of the WDP package for CD Role Web Forms.

Deploying multiple CM servers

If you have multiple CM servers, in on all but one of the servers patch the Sitecore.Forms.config file to comment out these lines:

<handler type="Sitecore.Form.Core.WffmActionHandler, Sitecore.Forms.Core" method="OnWffmActionEventFired" >
     <param name="actionManager" ref="/sitecore/wffm/wffmActionExecutor" />
     <param name="settings" ref="/sitecore/wffm/settings" />

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